Mogu (Mogu)

1.Project Description

Project Name: MOGU

Token Name: mogu

2.Project Introduction

Mogu Token is cryptocurrency with intrinsic value that is derived from the technology behind the Mogu Smart Router. The router utilizes unused processing capacity to run server services for Mogu’s clients, dramatically reducing the price and enhancing the speed of analysis.Mogu’s objective is to manufacture and deploy five million Mogu Smart Routers by 2020, 100 million by 2023. This will simultaneously democratize big data and be a bold step towards our vision of making the internet more accessible and more affordable. Our initial token sale (I.T.S) will help us achieve this ambition. The Mogu I.T.S will involve the sale of 5 billion Mogu Tokens to catalyze the growth of our distributed server network. The Mogu ecosystem operates entirely on Mogu Tokens and as the router ecosystem grows, so will the demand for Mogu Tokens.

3.Token overview

Total Circulation:

4.Support links

Official Website: